Introduced by Pybus and Strimmer (2001).
for a single coalescent interval:
\[\hat{N}_k = \binom{k}{2}t_k\]
for \(j\) adjacent intervals:
\[\hat{N}_{k,j} = \frac{k(k-j)}{2j}\sum_{i=k-j+1}^k{t_i}\]
The tree used here was estimated in Yusim et al (2001) Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 356:855-866.
The black curve is a parametric coalescent estimate obtained from the same data under the expansion model, \(N(t) = (N_0-N_A)e^{-rt}+N_A\)
The Bayesian skyline plot (Drummond et al, 2005) estimates a demographic function that has a certain fixed number of steps (in this example 15) and then integrates over all possible positions of the break points, and population sizes within each epoch.
480 contemporaneous samples from a single locus
16 contemporaneous samples from each of 32 loci
480 samples sampled through time from a single locus
Rambaut et al (2008) Nature 453:615-620
Hepatitis C in Egypt
Dengue 4 in Puerto Rico
Dengue 4 in Puerto Rico